CENTER text [;]
command aligns a text string in the center of a line. In other words,
it allows you to position a word or phrase so that it occupies the available space
in a symmetrical manner. The CENTER
command calculates the white space needed
on the sides of the string to center it within the specified width and
adds the necessary spaces. If the statement is followed by a semicolon, the cursor
will remain on the same line. Otherwise, it will move to the next line.
This command can be used to create aesthetically pleasing section or chapter titles, to center menu options in the center of the console and to format data neatly in a report. Centered text is easier to read and makes programs look neater.
By using CENTER, you can ensure that text is aligned uniformly in different parts of the program, and on different targets. Moreover, reduce the need to manually calculate character positions.
See also the following example files:
If you have encountered a problem using this command, if you think there is a bug or the explanation is unclear, please open an issue for this keyword on GitHub. Thank you!