ugBASIC User Manual

Calling and inlining assembly code

Sometime ago the need has emerged to be able to integrate what is produced by ugBASIC with software compiled, assembled or in any case available in machine language. To solve the problem, ugBASIC introduced a series of commands that allow the integration of external executable code, up to inserting the assembly code directly in line with the BASIC source.

Loading compiled code

The ugBASIC language provides a command to load binaries. This is the LOAD command. For example, suppose we have a program compiled in machine language, which is completely relocatable. To be able to load it into your ugBASIC program, simply enter the following command:

executable := LOAD("executable_nop.bin")

Assuming that the first instruction matches the starting address of the file, it is sufficient to retrieve the address of that variable and use it. To do this you have the command VARPTR available. This command returns the address of the given variable:

address = VARPTR(executable)

Finally, it is necessary to introduce a command that calls the loaded code. The command is the SYS command (or EXEC, which will be a synonym). The syntax will be simple:

SYS address

Now, insofar as this has significance due to the diversity of the various CPUs, how is it possible to generalize such code? Actually, it is sufficient to copy the binary code in a specific folder, different for each target, and let ugBASIC load the exact version!

Passing parameters and return values

We saw how the SYS (EXEC) command will allow you to recall a precompiled and relocatable machine code from outside. For all this to be useful, it is necessary to give the possibility to communicate with the machine code. This will be made possible by indicating, at the same time as the call, the population of specific "input" registers and the recovery of values from specific "output" registers.

The syntax we will use will be this:

SYS address WITH REG(r1)=v1, REG(r2)=v2, ... RETURN x1=REG(r1), x2=REG(r2), ...

Where r1, r2, ... are the various processor registers, v1, v2, ... are the values passed in the various registers and x1, x2, ... are the variables that will receive the execution result from the various registers.

Since the registers are different from CPU to CPU, it will be necessary to introduce some tricks to make the code as portable as possible.

First, let's write a small assembly program that increments one of the registers by one. This is an example for Zilog Z80:


We assemble it in the executable_increment.bin file obtaining an executable file that we will load with the previous commands. At this point, we pass the value to increment with the above syntax.

For example, this program monotonically increments the variable x at each keystroke:

executable := LOAD("executable_increment.bin")
address = VARPTR(executable)
x = 0
   SYS address WITH REG(B)=x RETURN x=REG(B)
   PRINT x

The program, as written, works on any computer with a Z80 processor. How to make this program portable to other processors?

Portable assembly code

As we wrote a small assembly program that increments a variable, and that runs on Zilog Z80 based computers. Let's imagine we want to do the same thing with the Motorola 6809 processor. What can we do?

First, let's write and assemble a similar program, obviously using another register:


We already suggested moving the compiled executable directly to a path that has the name of the target. So, for example, if we want to recompile the example for the TRS-8O Color Computer, it will be enough to call the program in the same way as the previous one but put it in the coco subdirectory.

Now let's go back to the source. As written it cannot work because it uses the wrong registry. How can we differentiate our code to run on other processors, without writing multiple versions of the same? Simple: let's use ugBASIC's conditional attribution!

For example, this program increments variables for both the Z80 processor and the 6809 processor.

executable := LOAD("executable_increment.bin")
address = VARPTR(executable)
GLOBAL x, address
x = 0
   SYS address WITH REG(B)=x RETURN x=REG(B) ON CPUZ80
   SYS address WITH REG(A)=x RETURN x=REG(A) ON CPU6809
   PRINT x

We finish the integration by writing the assembly routine, and the related function, for the MOS 6502 processor.


SYS address WITH REG(X)=x RETURN x=REG(X) ON CPU6502

Let's remember to add the call and see how the count appears also on the Commodore 128, which is indeed equipped with this processor.

Now we come to one of the thorniest problems: what if the code is not relocatable? Does it need to be loaded to a specific memory location? For this purpose we use one of the options of the LOAD command, i.e. the one to indicate in which position to load the code:

executable := LOAD("executable_increment.bin", 49152)

Obviously, VARPTR(executable) will return 49152. Note that, in this way, it will still be necessary to pay attention to the space used by ugBASIC, as there are no particular checks and therefore it is possible that the compiled ugBASIC collides with the space loaded.

Passing parameters using stack

There is also a different way of passing parameters: instead of using registers, which are limited in number, you can use the stack. Which is still a limited resource but capable of hosting a greater number of parameters.

The syntax for using the stack is simple:

SYS address WITH STACK(ta1)=v1, STACK(ta2)=v2, ... RETURN x1=STACK(tb1), x2=STACK(tb2), ...
op1 = 42: op2 = 21

One important thing: the elements are pushed onto the stack in reverse order of how they appear in the list, so that the caller finds them in the expected order.

In the specific case, on the stack we will first find the value of op2 and then the value of op1, but the called program will assign the value of op1 to the DE register while the value of the op2 parameter to the HL register.

Note that if you use the stack, porting between different processors is easier since all processors have a stack: this is a classic case of isomorphism.

Inline assembly

Inline assembly is definitely a convenience because it allows you to insert assembly language directly into the ugBASIC source. Unlike what happens with BASIC source, the assembly language is not interpreted by the compiler but passed “as is” to the assembler. This means that it is necessary to know well how both the syntax and the semantics of these assemblers work, and to have a good understanding of how the ugBASIC “internals” work.

In this chapter we'll see a really simplified approach to inline assembly, and in the next ones we'll see how to enable specific additional features. The simplest way to define an assembly piece is to use the ASM instruction:

ASM LDA #$42

This instruction causes the processor A register to be loaded with the value 42 hexadecimal, at least on MOTOROLA 6809 and MOS 6502 processors, while it will generate a syntax error for the Z80 CPU. How can we avoid the error message? Always with conditional compilation.

ON CPU6510 ASM LDA #$42
ON CPU6809 ASM LDA #$42

Obviously it is also possible to write a small piece of code of several lines: in this case the construct BEGIN ASM ... END ASM can be used, always prefixed with the indication of the processor (or even the target) for which it is valid:

x = 41
   LD A, (_x)
   LD B, A
   INC B
   LD A, B
   LD (_x), A
   LDA _x
   ADC #1
   STA _x
   LDA _x
   STA _x

Importing procedures and functions

We have seen how to call functions in machine language and how to insert some pieces of assembly into the sources. Now let's move on to the last aspect of integration: how it delares functions and procedures that can be called as if they were an integral part of the language.

First, we introduce a mechanism for defining the pattern for calling a procedure. The simplest syntax is this:

DECLARE PROC name AT address [ON target]

(you can also use PROCEDURE instead of PROC). For example, suppose you have an assembly routine at address $C000 and it only works under the Commodore 64. You can declare it like this:


At this point it will be sufficient to invoke it with one of the following syntaxes:

CALL test
PROC test

as if it were any ugBASIC procedure. If desired, parameters can be added. For each it is obviously necessary to indicate how the value will be passed to the function written in machine language. The syntax is like this:

DECLARE PROC name AT address ( p1 [AS t1] ON r1, ... ) [ON target]

Where p1, p2, ... are the parameters, t1, t2, ... are the (ugBASIC) data types, and finally r1, r2, ... are the descriptions of where the values will go.

For example, if we want to create a function that sends data to the serial port, and the data (as bytes) needs to be pushed onto the stack, we just need to write the following declaration:

DECLARE PROC serial AT $c000 ( value AS BYTE ON STACK(BYTE) )

We have seen how to import a procedure. Importing a function is just as easy. The mechanism for defining the pattern for calling an imported function is this:

DECLARE FUNCTION name AT address RETURN rt AS tt [ON targets]

For example, suppose you have an assembly routine at address $C000 and it only works under the Commodore 128, and returns a byte on A register. You can declare it like this:


At this point it will be sufficient to invoke it with one of the following syntax:

x = test[]

Alternatively, you can call it as a procedure and retrieve the parameter later, with the PARAM command:

CALL test
PROC test
x = PARAM(test)

If desired, you can add parameters. For each it is, of course, necessary to indicate how the value will be passed to the function written in machine language. The syntax is like this:

DECLARE FUNCTION name AT address ( p1 [AS t1] ON r1, ... ) RETURN rt AS tt [ON targets]

Where p1, p2, ... are the parameters, t1, t2, ... are the (ugBASIC) data types, r1, r2, ... are the descriptions of where the values will go and rt is the description of where the result will be stored, as the tt ugBASIC type. For example, if we want to create a function that sends data to the serial port, and the data (as a byte) is placed on the stack, and then the function returns the status of the sending, it is sufficient to write the following declaration in the A register of the CPU 6502, we will have:


System functions

The ugBASIC compiler allows you to declare functions and procedures that are "system" one. What does "system" mean? It means that the machine code resides in a ROM, preloaded at run time and therefore already made available to any program that knows how to call it.

However, since ugBASIC makes available all memory space allowed by the hardware, it is possible that the ROMs have been disabled or otherwise made unreachable. Indicating that you want to call a procedure or a system function, ugBASIC will take care of re-enabling the ROM before executing the request, deactivating it on exit.

To declare a procedure or function to be system, simply use the SYSTEM keyword. For example, this system procedure on the Commodore 64 scans the keyboard, verifying that a key has been pressed:


The ugBASIC compiler already has several declarations of functions or system procedures, declined for the various targets. They are located in the imports folder on the repository. You can request their automatic inclusion by using the IMPORT DECLARES command.

Any problem?

If you have found a problem, if you think there is a bug or, more simply, you would like something to be improved, write a topic on the official forum, or open an issue on GitHub.

Thank you!