metatag-title=(TILE AT | ugBASIC User Manual)
metatag-keywords=(ugBASIC,Commodore 64,Commodore PLUS/4,ZX Spectrum)
metatag-description=(Manual page for TILE AT)
metatag-og:title=(TILE AT | ugBASIC User Manual)
metatag-og:description=(Manual page for TILE AT)
====== ugBASIC User Manual ======
===== TILE AT =====
===== SYNTAX =====
= TILE AT([x],[y])
==== PURPOSE ====
This function allows you to know which is the tile drawn at a certain position
on the tilemap. Since it is possible to draw both single ''TILE'' and ''TILES'',
the information on the drawn tile is not, automatically, the identifier of a
TILES but it is the single tile of which it is formed. To know if the tile belongs to a
group of tiles it is necessary to use the ''TILES BELONG'' function.
==== EXAMPLE ====
tile = TILE AT( 10,10 )
==== AVAILABLE ON ====
* Dragon 32
* Commodore 128 (Zilog Z80)
* Commodore 128 (MOS 8502)
* SEGA SG-1000
* Commodore 64
* Commodore VIC-20
* Atari (400/800)
* Commodore PLUS/4
* Dragon 64
* Amstrad CPC 664
* SEGA SC-3000
* ColecoVision
* TRS-80 Color Computer 3
* TRS-80 Color Computer
==== ANY PROBLEM? ====
If you have encountered a problem using this command, if you think there is a bug or the explanation is unclear, please [[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/ugbasic/issues/new?title=ISSUE ON TILE AT|open an issue]] for this keyword on GitHub. Thank you!===== POWERED BY =====
[[:ugbasic:user:index|{{ :ugbasic:user:logo-ugbasic.png?nolink&600 |}}]]