metatag-title=(RESOLUTION | ugBASIC User Manual)
metatag-keywords=(ugBASIC,Commodore 64,Commodore PLUS/4,ZX Spectrum)
metatag-description=(Manual page for RESOLUTION)
metatag-og:title=(RESOLUTION | ugBASIC User Manual)
metatag-og:description=(Manual page for RESOLUTION)
====== ugBASIC User Manual ======
===== RESOLUTION =====
===== SYNTAX =====
RESOLUTION width, height
==== PURPOSE ====
This keyword allows to have a "virtual" resolution. Even when you select a graphical mode with only
160 pixel x 200 pixel, the graphical instructions execute the same thing, the only difference is that
the pixels will be proportional to virtual resolution. The choice to add this instruction is guided
by mathematical ratio, since 640x400 pixels gives 1,6 where 640x200 gives 3,2. 1.6 isn't a perfect
4/3 ratio but at least it's closer. By default, the virtual resolution will be set equal to the
resolution given by ''BITMAP ENABLE''. Then, after ''RESOLUTION'', the graphical instructions
will use this virtual resolution.
==== EXAMPLE ====
==== AVAILABLE ON ====
==== SEE ALSO ====
==== ANY PROBLEM? ====
If you have encountered a problem using this command, if you think there is a bug or the explanation is unclear, please [[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/ugbasic/issues/new?title=ISSUE ON RESOLUTION|open an issue]] for this keyword on GitHub. Thank you!===== POWERED BY =====
[[:ugbasic:user:index|{{ :ugbasic:user:logo-ugbasic.png?nolink&600 |}}]]