{{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=() metatag-title=(GET MESSAGE | ugBASIC User Manual) metatag-keywords=(ugBASIC,Commodore 64,Commodore PLUS/4,ZX Spectrum) metatag-description=(Manual page for GET MESSAGE) metatag-media-og:image=(:ugbasic:logo-ugbasic-fb.png) metatag-og:title=(GET MESSAGE | ugBASIC User Manual) metatag-og:description=(Manual page for GET MESSAGE) }} ====== ugBASIC User Manual ====== ===== GET MESSAGE ===== ===== SYNTAX ===== port = GET MESSAGE( portId ) ==== PURPOSE ==== The command ''GET MESSAGE'' fetch the message from the given port. Note that the message port behaves like a queue, that is, the first message that is inserted is the first that is retrieved. Therefore, if a program sends three messages in a row to the attention of the port of another, the receiving program will receive the three messages in the same order. Obviously, if several programs do the same thing, the messages will be interspersed but, in the end, they will be in the same order. ==== EXAMPLE ==== sessionId = LOGIN( "user", "password" ) port = FIND( sessionId, "user2", "testApp" ) msg = GET MESSAGE( port ) ==== ABBREVIATION ==== GeMsg ==== AVAILABLE ON ==== * Commodore 64 * Commodore 64+REU * TRS-80 Color Computer 3 * TRS-80 Color Computer ==== ALIAS FOR ==== [[DOJO GET MESSAGE]] ==== ANY PROBLEM? ==== If you have encountered a problem using this command, if you think there is a bug or the explanation is unclear, please [[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/ugbasic/issues/new?title=ISSUE ON GET MESSAGE|open an issue]] for this keyword on GitHub. Thank you!===== POWERED BY ===== [[:ugbasic:user:index|{{ :ugbasic:user:logo-ugbasic.png?nolink&600 |}}]]