metatag-title=(OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS SIERPINSKI CHALLENGE (adapted) | ugBASIC User Manual)
metatag-keywords=(ugBASIC,Commodore 64,Commodore PLUS/4,ZX Spectrum)
metatag-description=(An isomorphic language for retrocomputers)
metatag-og:title=(OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS SIERPINSKI CHALLENGE (adapted) | ugBASIC User Manual)
metatag-og:description=(An isomorphic language for retrocomputers)
====== ugBASIC User Manual ======
==== PURPOSE ====
This example is the adapted version for the "Sierpinski Challenge", an exciting challenge regarding fractals. This example reproduces the famous "SIERPINSKI TRIANGLE" on retrocomputers. It is a very simple fractal to obtain, which takes its name from the mathematician who first studied its properties. Such a triangle can have different shapes and sizes and can be obtained in various ways. One of the methods to create it is the so-called "Game of chaos". The fractal is built by creating iteratively a sequence of points, starting from a random initial point, in which each point of the sequence is a given fraction of the distance between the previous point and one of the vertices of the polygon; the vertex is chosen at random in each iteration. Repeating this iterative process a large number of times, selecting the vertex at random at each iteration, often (but not always) produces a fractal shape. Using a regular triangle and the factor 1/2, it will result in a Sierpinski triangle.
==== SOURCE CODE ====
10 t=TI: REM POKE 53280,15
20 x1=160: y1=0
30 x2=0: y2=199
40 x3=319: y3=199
50 REM FOR k=0 TO 7999: POKE 40960+k,0: NEXT
60 REM POKE 53265,59: POKE 53272,24
70 REM FOR i=0 TO 999: POKE 1024+i,16: NEXT
80 x=x1:y=y1
90 r=RND(3)
100 IF r=0 THEN : x=(x+x1)/2: y=(y+y1)/2 : ENDIF
110 IF r=1 THEN : x=(x+x2)/2: y=(y+y2)/2 : ENDIF
120 IF r=2 THEN : x=(x+x3)/2: y=(y+y3)/2 : ENDIF
145 PLOT x, y, WHITE
150 n=n+1: IF n=3000 THEN : GOTO 170 : ENDIF
160 GOTO 90
170 te=TI-t: LOCATE 0, 22 : PRINT "elapsed time =";(te/60);"sec"
180 PRINT"number of plotted points =";n
==== SOURCE FILE ====
* ''[[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/ugbasic/tree/main/examples/contrib_sierpinski.bas|contrib_sierpinski.bas]]''
The instructions here refer to compiling the example from the command line. For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using **[[https://spotlessmind1975.itch.io/ugbasic-ide|UGBASIC-IDE]]**, which allows you to compile the example with just one click.=== ATARI 400/800 family ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the Altirra emulator, and in particular that the ''altirra'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.atari contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.xex
altirra example.xex
# Windows
ugbc.atari.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.xex
altirra example.xex
=== ATARI 600XL/800XL/1200XL/XG(SE) family ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the Altirra emulator, and in particular that the ''altirra'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.atarixl contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.xex
altirra example.xex
# Windows
ugbc.atarixl.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.xex
altirra example.xex
=== Commodore 64 ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the VICE emulator, and in particular that the ''x64sc'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.c64 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
x64sc example.prg
# Windows
ugbc.c64.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
x64sc example.prg
=== Commodore 64+REU ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the VICE emulator, and in particular that the ''x64sc'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.c64reu contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
x64sc -reu example.prg
# Windows
ugbc.c64reu.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
x64sc -reu example.prg
=== Commodore PLUS/4 ===
== Using YAPE ==
In order to run the example, you need to have the YAPE emulator. In particular that the ''yape'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.plus4 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
yape example.prg
# Windows
ugbc.plus4.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
yape example.prg
== Using VICE ==
In order to run the example, you need to have the VICE emulator. In particular that the ''xplus4'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.plus4 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
xplus4 example.prg
# Windows
ugbc.plus4.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
xplus4 example.prg
=== Dragon 32 ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the XROAR emulator, and in particular that the ''xroar'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.d32 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.bin
xroar -rompath (your rom path) example.bin
# Windows
ugbc.d32.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.bin
xroar.exe -rompath (your rom path) example.bin
=== Dragon 64 ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the XROAR emulator, and in particular that the ''xroar'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.d64 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.bin
xroar -rompath (your rom path) example.bin
# Windows
ugbc.d64.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.bin
xroar.exe -rompath (your rom path) example.bin
=== PC128 Olivetti Prodest ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the DCMOTO emulator, and in particular that the ''dcmoto'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line and on the emulator:
# Linux
ugbc.pc128op contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.k7
(choose BASIC 128)
# Windows
ugbc.pc128op.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.k7
(choose example.k7)
(choose BASIC 128)
=== Thomson MO5 ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the DCMOTO emulator, and in particular that the ''dcmoto'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line and on the emulator:
# Linux
ugbc.pc128op contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.k7
(choose BASIC 128)
# Windows
ugbc.pc128op.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.k7
(choose example.k7)
(choose BASIC 128)
=== Commodore VIC-20 ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the VICE emulator, and in particular that the ''xvic'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.vic20 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
xvic --memory 24k example.prg
# Windows
ugbc.vic20.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.prg
xvic --memory 24k example.prg
=== ZX Spectrum ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the Speccy emulator, and in particular that the ''speccy'' executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.zx contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.tap
Speccy example.tap
# Windows
ugbc.zx.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.tap
Speccy example.tap
=== MSX ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the openMsx or the BlueMSX emulator, and in particular that its executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
== openMSX ==
# Linux
ugbc.msx1 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
openmsx -cart example.rom
# Windows
ugbc.msx1.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
openmsx -cart example.rom
== blueMSX ==
# Linux
ugbc.msx1 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx example.rom
# Windows
ugbc.msx1.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx example.rom
=== ColecoVision ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the openMsx or the BlueMSX emulator, and in particular that its executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
== openMSX ==
# Linux
ugbc.coleco contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
openmsx -machine \"COL - ColecoVision\" -cart example.rom
# Windows
ugbc.coleco.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx -machine \"COL - ColecoVision\" example.rom
== blueMSX ==
# Linux
ugbc.coleco contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx /machine \"COL - ColecoVision\" /rom1 example.rom
# Windows
ugbc.coleco.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx /machine \"COL - ColecoVision\" /rom1 example.rom
=== SEGA SC-3000 ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the BlueMSX emulator, and in particular that its executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.sc3000 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx /machine \"SEGA - SC-3000\" /rom1 example.rom
# Windows
ugbc.sc3000.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx /machine \"SEGA - SC-3000\" /rom1 example.rom
=== SEGA SG-1000 ===
In order to compile and run the example, you need to have the BlueMSX emulator, and in particular that its executable is accessible.
Then, type this command on the command line:
# Linux
ugbc.sg1000 contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx /machine \"SEGA - SG-1000\" /rom1 example.rom
# Windows
ugbc.sg1000.exe contrib_sierpinski.bas -o example.rom
bluemsx /machine \"SEGA - SG-1000\" /rom1 example.rom
==== ANY PROBLEM? ====
If you have found a problem trying to run this example, if you think there is a bug or, more simply, you would like it to be improved, [[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/ugbasic/issues/new?title=IMPROVE OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS SIERPINSKI CHALLENGE (adapted)|open an issue]] for this example on GitHub. Thank you!===== POWERED BY =====
[[:ugbasic:user:examples|{{ :ugbasic:user:logo-ugbasic.png?nolink&600 |}}]]