{{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=() metatag-title=(Tutorial MCTILE: prerequisites) metatag-keywords=(Tutorial,C,library,Midres,MCTILE,Tiles,Commodore 64,Commodore VIC20,Commodore 16,Atari) metatag-description=(Prerequisites needed in order to proceed with this tutorial.) metatag-media-og:image=(:mctiles_tutorial_03d.png) metatag-og:title=(Tutorial MCTILE: prerequisites) metatag-og:description=(Prerequisites needed in order to proceed with this tutorial.) }} ====== TUTORIAL: MULTICOLOR TILE ====== ===== PREREQUISITES ===== In order to proceed with this tutorial you must have the following software installed: * **[[https://cc65.github.io/|the cc65 compiler]]** (with a defined ''CC65_HOME'' path); * **a photo editing software** (we used **[[https://www.gimp.org/|GIMP]]** on this tutorial). {{ ::mctiles_tutorial_03d.png?nolink&600 |}} In addition, and depending on the platforms concerned, you will need: * for Commodore platforms: * the **[[https://csdb.dk/release/download.php?id=225046|1541 disk image generator]]** (with its defined ''CC1541_HOME'' path); * the original hardware or an emulator (tested: **[[https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/index.html|VICE 3.0]]**, **[[https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/index.html|VICE 3.2]]**, **[[https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/index.html|VICE 3.4]]** and **[[http://yape.homeserver.hu/|YAPE 1.1.7]]**); * for Atari platforms: * the **[[https://www.horus.com/~hias/atari/#tools-win32|atari disk image generator]]** (with its ''DIR2ATR_HOME'' path defined); * the **[[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/atrautorun|ATR autorun]]** (with its ''ATRAUTORUN_HOME'' path defined); * the original hardware or an emulator (tested: **[[http://www.virtualdub.org/altirra.html|Altirra 3.90]]** and **[[https://atari800.github.io/|Atari 800 Emulator 4.2.0]]**). Finally, you will also need to download/clone the [[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/midres|midres library repository]] (version 1.4) and to download version 1.14 of the [[https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/img2tile/releases/tag/v1.14|img2tile program]]: git clone https://github.com/spotlessmind1975/midres.git In the repository you will already find everything you need to be able to verify the outcome of your efforts and to obtain an executable valid for various 8-bit Atari and Commodore platforms. However, in this tutorial we will explain step by step how to achieve the same result. **[[:midres_library:tutorial:mctile|Return to tutorial]]**.