metatag-title=(Drawing the ghost - MCTILE tutorial)
metatag-keywords=(Tutorial,C,library,Midres,MCTILE,Tiles,Commodore 64,Commodore VIC20,Commodore 16,Atari)
metatag-description=(How to draw an image of the ghost freehand, to be used for tutorial.)
metatag-og:title=(Drawing the ghost - MCTILE tutorial)
metatag-og:description=(How to draw an image of the ghost freehand, to be used for tutorial.)
{{:midres_library:tutorial:mctile:mctiles_tutorial_02.png?nolink&200 |}}
First of all, we have to find an image of the ghost or draw it freehand (as I did). Usually, we draw it at a rather high resolution. In this example we start from 118x118 pixels.
Note that when drawing the image, we should leave a black border on the left and right. The image thus drawn is, however, too large to be managed by 8-bit computers.
For this reason, we proceed to resize the image to a more suitable size, such as 16 pixels x 16 pixels. Note that we must impose "None" as a quality to avoid introducing additional nuances.\\\
{{ :midres_library:tutorial:mctile:mctiles_tutorial_03x.png?nolink&400|}}
Once converted it is necessary to reduce the number of colors present in the image. This is necessary because the ''[[:img2tile]]'' program automatically detects the colors (as RGB) and assigns them to the 2-bit indices which, in fact, can only indicate 4 different colors.
Finally, before going back to processing the image, you need to convert it back to RGB in order to be free to assign precise colors.
[[:midres_library:tutorial:mctile|Return to tutorial]].