metatag-title=(MR_SCREEN_INK | MIDRES library)
metatag-keywords=(Midres,Library,Graphics,Commodore 64,Commodore VIC20,Commodore 16,API)
metatag-description=(Implicit color used for a given screen.)
metatag-og:title=(MR_SCREEN_INK | Libreria MIDRES)
metatag-og:description=(Implicit color used for a given screen.)
====== MR_SCREEN_INK =======
Implicit color used for a given screen.
===== Declaration =====
===== Description =====
This array keeps, for each of the screens available for a given platform (''[[:midres_library:reference:MR_SCREEN_COUNT|MR_SCREEN_COUNT]]''), the color set by the last call to ''[[:midres_library:reference:mr_ink|mr_ink()]]''. This color is used by specific calls such as ''[[:midres_library:reference:mr_psetc|mr_psetc()]]'', which allow you to draw a single pixel without specifying the color.
===== See also =====
* ''[[:midres_library:reference:mr_psetc|mr_psetc()]]''
* ''[[:midres_library:reference:mr_psetc|mr_psetcv()]]''
* ''[[:midres_library:reference:mr_psetc|mr_psetce()]]''
* ''[[:midres_library:reference:mr_color|mr_color]]''
===== Example =====
[[:midres_library|{{ :midres-logo.png?nolink&600 |}}]]