metatag-title=(MR_MULTICOLOR | MIDRES Library)
metatag-keywords=(Midres,Library,Graphics,Commodore 64,Commodore VIC20,Commodore 16,API)
metatag-description=(Flag indicating whether the library has been initialized with multicolor tile support.)
metatag-og:title=(MR_MULTICOLOR | MIDRES Library)
metatag-og:description=(Flag indicating whether the library has been initialized with multicolor tile support.)
====== MR_MULTICOLOR =======
Flag indicating whether the library has been initialized with [[midres_library:tutorial:mctile|multicolor tile]] support.
===== Declaration =====
extern mr_boolean MR_MULTICOLOR;
===== Description =====
Flag indicating whether the library has been initialized with [[midres_library:tutorial:mctile|multicolor tile]] support or not. It can be used to differentiate the software dynamically, depending on the graphic possibilities. This flag is initialized to ''mr_false'' where the program initializes the library with the call to ''mr_init()''. However,if the ''mr_init_multicolor()'' function is called, this flag is set to ''mr_true''.
Note that **the library already takes into account the difference between the two modes**, and transparently converts multicolored tiles into single-colored tiles. The vice versa obviously makes no sense.
===== See also =====
===== Example =====
[[:midres_library|{{ :midres-logo.png?nolink&600 |}}]]