metatag-title=(MIDRES library reference)
metatag-keywords=(C,library,Midres,Bitmaps,Commodore 64,Commodore VIC20,Commodore 16)
metatag-description=This is the reference for the MIDRES library.)
metatag-og:title=(MIDRES library reference)
metatag-og:description=(This is the reference for the MIDRES library.)
====== MIDRES REFERENCE ======
[[:midres_library|{{ :midres-logo.png?nolink&600 |}}]]
These pages contain information and references about the [[:midres_library|MIDRES library]]. Since it is a library under development, the information given here refers to a specific (given) version. If you use an alpha release, a beta release or otherwise different release from the one given, **they could be obsolete**.
* [[:midres_library:globals|Global variables (extern)]]
* [[:midres_library:constants|Constants (#defines)]]
* [[:midres_library:data_types|Data types (typedefs)]]
* [[:midres_library:functions|Functions reference]]
* [[:midres_library:functions_list|Functions list]]